marketing tips
Case Study: Giveaway Campaign for Omnix Golf USA
Learn more about how we increased brand awareness in a new market for Omnix Golf USA.

Case Study: Landing Page for 3pts Co-op
Learn more about a landing page for creative consulting business 3pts Co-op whose goal was to gather signups using a new landing page.

$20k for a Broken Website!?
After hearing this horror story, we had to share 4 things with you to avoid two common web developer issues: ghosting and broken websites.

Award-Winning Businesses (And How You Can Be One, Too)
As we round out Small Business Month, Yumari Digital is proud to represent the following award-winning businesses…

How to File Taxes in Under 10 Minutes
Save hours of stress with our airtight tax prepping system. Tried and true, we only spend about 10 minutes on taxes at the end of every year!

quiz: do you really need a website?
Do you really need a website? Take this quiz and find out.

case study: welcome emails for jungle gurl
Don’t underestimate the power of email in this social media-crazed world. Learn more about an email marketing strategy for specialty swim and resort wear brand, Jungle Gurl.

website must-haves for a coffee brand
Not all websites are created equal. Let's dive into the website requirements for a coffee brand.

what is branding?
Learn more about this crucial cornerstone that needs to be established for every business.

new business checklist
Use this handy checklist to help turn your business idea into a reality.